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11:00 GMT
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Violence Against Women in Politics: Experiences and Ways Forward for Women Leaders

This high-level Side Event to the 65th Meeting of the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65) will provide a platform for women politicians and leaders to discuss their experiences with harassment and violence in politics. It will also provide an opportunity to share strategies aimed at helping stakeholders to rise above such violence and persevere in their important work in public sphere.

Participants will focus on exploring solutions and good practices for systematically addressing violence against women in politics.

The event is hosted by UN Women Europe and Central Asia and the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR),  It will feature high-level panelists from North America, Europe and Central Asia, kicking off an OSCE-wide advocacy campaign on the topic.

Interpretation in English/Russian and International Sign Language will be provided.


The side event will provide participants from all around the OSCE region with the opportunity to learn more about violence against women in politics, identify and discuss its different forms, and explore possible solutions and responses.

Why it is important?

In the last three decades, women have made significant advancements into political life across the OSCE region. However, their greater political role and louder voice has also resulted in growing instances of personal and often gender-based attacks, intimidation and harassment.