تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • Almedalen Democracy Summit 2021 - Bridging the Divide
    In recognition of the Swedish Parliament’s ongoing 100-year jubilee of the democratic process, the Stockholm Philanthropy Symposium, International IDEA, International YOUTH Think Tank, and Athens Democracy Forum have joined forces to organize the Almedalen Democracy Summit. ...
  • GOPAC UNGASS 2021 Side Event
    UNGASS is tasked with agreeing a concise and action-oriented political declaration. To implement key recommendations in the declaration, engagement with parliamentarians, who play a key legislative and oversight role, in progressing anti-corruption best practices and policy is required. GOPAC Parliamentarians identified their priorities for successful UNGASS implementation. ...
  • Advancing in the Recognition of Indigenous Peoples’ Right to Autonomy & Self-government
    The virtual event is organized by IWGIA with simultaneous interpretation in Spanish and English by DOCIP. The event will be live-streamed to IWGIA's Facebook. ...