تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • Lightning Talks: Legislative Openness Tools
    Civil society representatives from the parliamentary openness community will briefly present on new or innovative technology tools that increase parliamentary openness, followed by discussion with the audience. ...
  • Building Legislative Openness Tools with Civil Society
    During this session, panelists will discuss how parliaments and civil society groups can collaborate to develop effective legislative openness technology tools. By exploring examples and sharing experiences, panelists will consider best practice in this area and strategies for effective collaboration. ...
  • Developing Strong Legislative Openness
    Either as part of the government’s official OGP National Action Plan or as a parallel initiative, parliaments in a number of countries are making openness commitments or developing legislative openness plans. In this session, representatives of the Working Group and other speakers will discuss commitments that their legislature has made and will consider what makes a strong commitment. ...