Despite global advances in technology, health, knowledge, and material wealth, longstanding economic and social disparities are increasing, to the detriment of the whole planet, with progress continuing to elude many the world over.
This situation – exacerbated by the urgent threat of climate change and growing waves of social unrest, political instability and conflict within or between countries – is coming to a head. As we saw with the Millennium Development Goals, international commitments can only be met with strong political will, leadership and national ownership. As parliamentarians, we have a moral obligation to act.
The adoption of the post-2015 development agenda and its sustainable development goals in September 2015 will afford a unique opportunity to meet global challenges, using a universal, integrated approach that will apply to all countries and link poverty eradication to sustainable development.
Full text of the declaration available at http://www.ipu.org/conf-e/132/rpt-gendebate.htm