The structure of this handbook follows a general continuum for launching political party work. It starts in Section I by assess- ing the rationale for working with parties, and looking at the evolution of party assistance, inside and outside UNDP. Section II offers basic information for understanding political systems, from their mechanics to the challenges faced by parties, with passages as well on post- conflict scenarios and local governance. Section III considers questions related to UN neutrality, and looks at what is involved in making choices about how to work and with whom. Section IV outlines the process of shaping a programme, with a focus on exploring opportunities and entry points, and assessing risks. It concludes with information on funding options under the current UNDP program- ming framework. Section V explores, through a series of case studies, how UNDP is already offering assistance, with the examples highlighting common activities. Section VI examines partnerships in political party program- ming, including a discussion of when to partner. Section VII describes the process of monitoring and evaluating party programmes, and elaborates how to assess appropriate results indicators. In Section VIII, a comprehensive list of resources for further information rounds off the handbook.