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Podcasts aim to assemble the most relevant audio podcasts for the parliamentary development community.

  • Governance is Key During COVID-19? (w/ Kristen Sample)
    As much as COVID-19 is a health and economic crisis, at its core, it is also a governance crisis. NDI President Derek Mitchell and new Director of Democratic Governance Kristen Sample delve into ways governments and the international community have risen (or not) to meet the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.   ...
  • Demworks: Pat Merloe and Julia Brothers on Elections During COVID
    Many countries with scheduled elections this year face a difficult choice in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: how to balance public health considerations with holding a free and fair election. ...
  • Increasing Youth Political Inclusion through Debate
    To celebrate International Youth Day 2020 Rachel Mims, Senior Program Officer for Youth Political Participation at NDI, is joined by three young leaders from Zambia, Lebanon, and Moldova. ...