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Event Date
Event Time
May 24 - May 27
Event Location

142nd IPU Assembly

At its meeting on 18 January 2021, the IPU Executive Committee decided that, in view of the prevailing COVID-19 pandemic and its impact, the 142nd IPU Assembly would be held during the week of 24 May 2021 in virtual format. In order to examine the implications of such an unprecedented virtual Assembly and to find the best possible solutions, the Executive Committee decided to set up a Working Group composed of representatives of the geopolitical groups, the Bureau of Women Parliamentarians and the Board of the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, and supported by the IPU Secretariat. The Working Group has examined relevant aspects relating to the virtual session of the Assembly and put forward its findings and recommendations for consideration by the Executive Committee. These recommendations, once reviewed and endorsed by the Executive Committee, will be submitted for approval by the Governing Council.

While the Assembly itself will take place during the week of 24 May 2021, it will be preceded by meetings of the Standing Committees, the Forum of Women Parliamentarians and the Forum of Young Parliamentarians, and the other subsidiary bodies of the Governing Council, in the weeks leading up to the Assembly. The Assembly will focus on the overall theme of “Overcoming the pandemic today and building a better tomorrow: the role of parliaments”.


For more information on the event, please click here.