Women and other marginalized groups continue to face obstacles and challenges in their political representation. One of them is a lack of access to political funding, both from party sources as well as from external funding.
Despite several legal improvements and concrete steps to ensure equal representation between men and women in politics, Albania is still lagging behind. Women don’t have the same access to financial resources, stemming from generally lower-paid jobs and less access to property, financial assets, and other resources that are needed during elections.
WFD in Albania commissioned a research report to better understand the dynamics of gender equality in political party financing in the country.
Following this, the report sets out to answer the following research questions:
1. Do women and men have equal access to political party finances in general?
2. Do women or men have more access to parties’ resources and support (organizational and logistical, political, etc.)?
3. Does the political party make transparent and discuss with its members the annual budget (total budget coming from state and private sources) according to planned activities?
To learn more, please read the full version of the report in English or Albanian.