One of the first tasks in the immediate post-conflict setting is for the government and international parterns to ascertain the kind of support the country will need to sustain peace and embark on the long road to reconstruction and sustainable development. An assessment of post-conflict needs is generally the first order of business, in order to determine funding and reconstruction priorites. This is a guide to post-conflict needs assessment, based on a review and analysis of past experiences, as well as research on other assessment methodologies in the context of humanitarian aid, conflict analyses and development cooperation. The aim was to provide a concise and practical guide to be used by country teams from our respective institutions, supported by additional material and references that could be of use to team members performing specific tasks. The guide also aims to be a source of information for other actors - bilatoral donors, NGOs, civil society and government representatives - that need to understand the rationale, scope, timeline and results of the needs assessment process.
A joint UNDG, UNDP and World Bank Guide, prepared by GTZ with the support of BMZ.