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Studies And Publications
Studies and Publications
AGORA’s virtual library offers a unique collection of documents, handbooks, guidelines and articles on Parliamentary Development.
Walk the Talk: A critical analysis of the legal framework on inclusion of special interest groups
The impact of the cost of politics on inclusive political participation in Uganda
The Impact of the 2023 Wildfires on Subnational Elections in Canada
Democracy Tracker Methodology and User Guide
SDG-informed legislative scrutiny
Parliamentary Security: An Introductory Guide
Legal Environment Assessment for Health and Pollution
The Integrity Pact – Harnessing collective action for good governance and business integrity in public procurement
Sustaining the Fight for Democracy: Lessons from Citizen Election Monitoring Organizations Around the World
A Gender-sensitive Parliament in Thailand
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Reference material
International agreements
Parliamentary action points
Academic papers and articles
Reports and case/country studies
Institution parlementaire
Committees and Administration
Renforcement et développement parlementaires
Parlement, environnement et changement climatique
Parlement et politiques de développement
Women, Minorities and Gender
Public Engagement and Youth
Parlements et élections
Transparence au Parlement
Parliamentary Diplomacy
Public Financial Management
Media and Communication
Response to COVID-19
Digital technologies
Parliaments and Crisis
- Tout -
Abeysekere, N.
Academy for Migration Studies in Denmark
Acción Ciudadana
ACE Electoral Knowledge Network
Action For Global Health (AFGH)
Adaptation Watch
Adapting to Climate Change in China (ACCC)
Africa All Party Parliamentary Group
Africa Climate Change Fund (ACCF)
African Center for Economic Transformation
African Centre for the Constructive Resolution of Disputes
African Development Bank
African Human Security Initiative
African Parliamentarians Network Against Corruption (APNAC)
African Union
African-European Institute
AGORA, the Portal for Parliamentary Development
Aguja, M.
Ambassy of Mozambique
American Political Science Review
American University of Beirut
Aning, K.
Anti-Corruption Commission of Bhutan
Anti-Corruption Resource Center
Arab Institute for Parliamentary Training and Legislative Studies
Arab NGOs Network for Development (ANND)
Arab Region Parliamentarians Against Corruption (ARPAC)
Arafeh, A.
Aribisala, W.
Asia Monitor South East Asia
Asia Pacific Development Information Programme
Asia Pacific Research Network (APRN)
Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Asia-Pacific Water Forum
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Asian Forum of Parliamentarians on Population and Development (AFPPD)
Asian Socialism and Legal Change
ASSAf Academy of Science of South Africa
Assemblée Nationale du Bénin
Assemblée Nationale Française
Assemblée Parlementaire de la Francophonie (APF)
Assembleia da República de Portugal
Assembleia Nacional de Cabo Verde
Assembly of the Republic of Mozambique
Associação In Loco
Association of European Parliamentarians with Africa (AWEPA)
Association of Secretaries General of Parliaments (ASGP)
Association of SouthEast Asian Nations (ASEAN)
Australasian Parliamentary Review
Australasian Study of Parliament Group
Australia - Ministry of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency
Australian Agency for International Development (AusAID)
Australian Capital Territory
Australian Government
Australian Government - Productivity Commission
Australian Journal of Political Science
Australian Journal of Public Administration
Bangkok University
Banque europeenne d'investissement
Baracani, E.
Baxter, G.
Belgian House of Representatives
Belgian Senate
Benoit, K.
Bepress Legal Series
Berkeley Electronic Press
Bharti Institute of Public Policy
Born, H.
Boucek, F.
Brazilian Internet Steering Committee
Bristol University Press
British Council
British High Commission
British House of Commons (BHC)
British House of Lords (BHL)
Brooklyn Law School
Buddlender, D.
Bureau for Development Policy (BDP)
Bureau of Resources and Energy Economics - Government of Australia
Business Monitor International
Bylaw of the House of Representatives
Câmara dos Deputados
Cambodia-Canada Legislative Support Project (CCLSP)
Cambodian Senate
Cambridge University Press
Canada Fund for Africa (CFA)
Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA)
Canadian Journal of Economics and Political Science
Canadian Library of Parliament
Canadian Parliamentary Review
Canadian Political Science Association
Canadian Public Policy
Carnegie Europe
Carnegie- Endowment for international peace
Casa Africa
Catholic University of Angola
Caucasus Institute for Peace, Democracy and Development
Center for Democracy and Governance
Center for Digital Government
Center for Economic Development
Center for Electronic Governance
Center for Global Development
Center for International Development
Center for International Environmental Law
Center for International Private Enterprise
Center for Learning Studies
Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD)
Center on International Cooperation, NYU
Central Eastern Europe Bankwatch Network (CEEBN)
Central European University
Centre for Constitutional Dialogue
Centre for Democratic Institutions
Centre for European Policy Studies
Centre for Legislative Research and Advocacy
Centre for Legislative Studies
Centre for Liberal Strategies
Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD)
Centre for Policy Studies
Centre for Social Science Research, University of Cape Town (UCT)
Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales (CEPC)
Centro de Integridade Pública (CIP)
Centro de Investigación Parlamentario
Centro Studi Sul Federalismo
Chamber of Deputies, Italy
Chambers, P.
Chatman House
Chief Risk Officer Canada
Chin, J-K.
CHR. Michelsen Institute (CMI)
Christian Aid
Cisco Internet Business Solutions Group
City of Sunderland
Clapinska, L.
Clarity - Journal of the international association promoting plain legal language
Climate & Development Knowledge Network
Climate Assembly UK
Climate Investment Funds
Climate Parliament
Climate Policy Initiative
Climate Strategies
Climate Works Foundation
Close, D.
Coalition des Organisations de la Société Civile pour les Elections et la Paix
Coalition of African Parliamentarians against HIV and AIDS
Committee of the Regions
Committee on Climate Change (UK)
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
Commonwealth Parliamentary Institute
Communist and Post-Communist Studies
Community of Democracies
Comparative Legislative Research Center
Confédération Parlementaire des Amériques (COPA)
Conflict Prevention and Peace Forum
Conflict Trends
Congressional Management Foundation
Council of Europe
Council of the European Union
Cowley, P.
Crawford School of Economics and Government
Cuadernos de Pensamiento Político
Czech Sociological Review
Danish Institute for Political Parties
David Rockefeller Center for Latin American Studies
de Mendes Thame, A.C.
Democracy Reporting International
Democratic Audit
Democratic Audit of Australia
Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
Democratic Governance Group (DGG)
Department for International Development (DFID)
Department of Economic and Social Affairs
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Development of an Equitable Information Society: the Role of African Parliaments
Directorio Legislativo
Duke University Press
e-Democracy Centre
East African Legislative Assembly (EALA)
East-West Institute
Eastern European Centre for Multiparty Democracy
Economic and Social Research Council
Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)
Economic Community of East African States (ECOWAS)
Economic Institute of Cambodia
Egyptian Parliament
Electoral Institute for the Sustainability of Democracy in Africa (EISA)
Emerald Insight
Energia (International Network on Gender and Sustainable Energy)
Energy Sector Management Assistance Program (ESMAP)
Energy, Environment and Development Network for Africa (AFREPREN)
Energy, Environment and Development Network for Africa (AFREPREN/FWD)
Engagement Global gGmbh
Environment and Energy Study Institute (EESI) - USA
Ernest Lartey
Euralius / Council of Europe
European Capacity Building Initiative (ECBI)
European Centre for Minority Issues
European Centre for Parliamentary Research and Documentation (ECPRD)
European Commission
European Commission / Konrad Adenauer Foundation
European Commission for democracy through law
European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR/Routledge)
European Council on Foreign Relations
European Criminal Law Associations' Forum (EUCRIM)
European Democracy Hub
European Forum of Georgia
European Instrument for Democracy & Human Rights (EIDHR)
European Journal of Communication
European Journal of Politcal Research
European Network for the Implementation and Enforcement of Environmental Law (IMPEL)
European Parliament
European Parliament, Budgetary Control
European Parliamentary Forum
European Parliamentary Research Service
European Partnership for Democracy
European Policy Centre
European Policy Research Institute (EPRI)
European Review of Latin American and Caribbean Studies
European Union (EU)
European Youth Parliament
Expediente Parlementario
Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI)
Faculty of Economics & Political Science- Cairo University
Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
Foro Asiático de Parlamentarios sobre Población y Desarrollo
Foro de Parlamentarios Africanos y Arabes sobre Población y Desarrollo
Foro Parlamentario Inter-Europeo sobre Población y Desarrollo
Forum de Monitoria do Orcamento
Forum Parlementario
Foundation Robert Schuman
Frente Parlamentar em Defesa dos Direitos da Criança e doAdolescente
FRIDE - A European Think Tank for Global Action
Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES)
Fundación Humanismo Político
Fundación para el Desarrollo de la Libertad Ciudadana
Gabinete para as relações internacionais europeias e de cooperação
Geneva Centre for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces (DCAF)
German Development Institute (DIE)
German German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
German Technical Cooperation
Girls Not Brides
Global Carbon Project
Global Center for ICT in Parliament
Global Commission on HIV and the Law
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Global Environmental Change
Global Equity Gauge Alliance
Global Gender and Climate Alliance (GGCA)
Global Integrity
Global Organization of Parliamentarians Against Corruption (GOPAC)
Global Partners and Associates
Global Partners Governance (GPG)
GLOBE - The Global Legislators Organisation
Globe International
Gomez, R.
Gouvernement Français
Government of Belgium
Government of Suriname
Government of the Arab Republic of Egypt
Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Government of Uganda
Group of States against Corruption
Groupe Canadienne d’études des Questions Parlementaires
Groupe Wallonie-Bruxelles
Grupo Parlamentario Interamericano sobre Población y Desarrollo
Habasch, R.
Hanggi, H.
Hans Born
Hansard Society
Harvard University
Hazama, Y
Heinrich Boll Stiftung
Hirpo, S.
House Democracy Partnership
House of Commons (Canada)
House of Commons (UK)
House of Commons Development Committee (UK)
House of Representatives (Australia)
House of Representatives (US)
House of Representatives of the Republic of Cyprus
House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia (DPR RI)
Human Rights Quarterly
Human Rights Watch
Hungarian National Assembly
IALS Student Law Review
iKnow Politics
Imperial College London
Indian Institute of Management
Indiana University
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Parliament
Information, Communication & Society
Insitute of Social Law - KULeuven
Institut de Recherche en Energie Solaire et Energies Nouvelles (IRESEN)
Institut Joseph-Dubuc - Capsule juridique
Institute for Cultural Diplomacy
Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA)
Institute for Development and Social Initiatives (IDIS)
Institute for Development of Freedom of Information
Institute for Government
Institute for Media, Policy and Civil Society
Institute for Research on Public Policy
Institute for Security Studies
Institute of Development Studies (IDS)
Institute of Development Studies UK
Institute of European and Russian Studies
Institute of Financial Economics
Institute of Political Science
Institute of Political Science, University of Tübingen, Germany
Institute of Social Law – Infosoc
Institute of Social Law – Infosoc, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Institute of Sociology of the Academy of Sciences
Instituto de Estudos Sociais e Económicos
Instituto latinoamericano de seguridad y democracia (ILSED)
Inter-American Development Bank
Inter-Parliamentary Forum on Security Sector Governance
Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU)
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
International Anti- Corruption Conference
International Budget Partnership (IBP)
International Budget Project
International Center for Transitional Justice (ICTJ)
International Center for Violence Research
International Centre for Policy Studies (ICPS)
International Committee of the Red Cross
International Council on Human Rights Policy
International Crisis Group working to prevent conflict worldwide
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
International Energy Agency (IEA)
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA)
International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI)
International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
International IDEA
International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance
International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED)
International Institute for Sustainable Development
International Journal for the Semiotics of Law
International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences
International Labour Organisation (ILO)
International Monetary Fund
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)
International Peace Academy
International Peace Institute (IPI)
International Public Management Review
International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)
International Republican Institute
International Research and Training Institute for the Advancement of Women (INSTRAW)
International Resource Panel
International Studies Quarterly
International Telecommunication Union (ITU)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
International Work Group for Indigenous Affairs
International Workshop: Subnational Parliaments in an EU Multi-level Parliamentary System
IPC, Association Connecting Electronics Industries
IUCN Gender Office
Jaye, T.
Joint Progress Toward Enhanced Aid Effectiveness
Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS)
Jonathan Murphy
Joseph, J.
Journal of African Law
Journal of Common Market Studies
Journal of Democracy
Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization
Journal of European Public Policy
Journal of International Women‘s Studies
Journal of Legislative Studies
Journal of Modern African Studies
Journal of Open Humanities Data
Journal of Operational Research Society
Journal of Southeast Asian Human Rights
Justice Africa
Kaiser, A.
Kaleidoscope Trust
Kazakhstan Revenue Watch
Kennedy School of Government, Harvard (KSG)
Kenya Ministry of Environment, Water and Natural Resources
Kinsella, N.
Kluwer Academic Publishers
Knesset Research and Information Center
Knowledge Management for Development Journal
Kofi Annan International Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAIPTC)
Konrad Adenauer Foundation/MERCOSUR/CARI
Konrad-Adenauer Stiftung
Krause, K.
Kuipers, E.
Lartey, E.
Lavelle, A.
Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Le Centre Parlementaire
Leadership Council of the Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Lebanese Parliament
Legal Assistance Centre
Legal Reasoning & Legal Interpretation
Legislative Assembly British Columbia
Legislative Studies Quarterly
Legislative Yuan
Library of National Congress - Chili
Library of Parliament
Liew, C-T.
London School of Economics and Political Science,
Loughborough University - Department of Geography
Macquarie Law Journal
Mahanga, M.
Malawi Ministry of Health and SECURE Health Consortium
Malawi National Assembly
Malawi Parliament
Malova, D.
MAP World Forum
Marcella, R.
Marron Institute of Urban Management
Marshall Islands Parliament
Martin, Ben
Matos, M.N.
McElroy, G.
McGill University
Memorial University
Midwest Journal of Political Science
Miers, D.
Millenium Institute
Milliken, P.
Ministério da Energia de Moçambique
Ministério do Planejamento
Ministry of Finance Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh
Ministry of Finance, Republic of Mozambique
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ethiopia
Ministry of Water and Energy, Ethiopia
Minority Rights Group International
Moore, N.
Nascimento, L.
National Assembly of Cambodia
National Assembly of Laos
National Assembly of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan
National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria
National Democratic Institute (NDI)
National Endowment for Democracy (NED)
National Human Rights Institutions (NHRIs)
National Library of Scotland
National Library of Wales
NATO Parliamentary Assembly
Natural Resource Charter Technical Advisory Group
Natural Resource Governance Institute (NRGI)
Navia, P.
Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy
New Climate Economy
New Forest District Council (UK)
New Zealand Government
New Zealand Journal of Public and International Law (NZJPIL)
Nordiska Afrikainstitutet
Noronha, J.O. de
Northern Ireland Assembly
Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Observatório dos Países de Língua Oficial Portuguesa (OPLOP)
Occasional Papers on Parliamentary Government
Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
Office for Promotion of Parliamentary Democracy (OPPD)
Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR)
Office of The National Assembly of Vietnam
Office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities
Office of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania
One World Trust
Open Government Partnership - Legislative Openness Working Group (LOWG)
Open Government Partnership - OGP
Open Society Institute
Orçamento e Gestão
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe (OSCE)
Organization for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards (OASIS)
Overseas Development Institute (ODI)
Oxford University Press - Oxford Journal of Legal Studies
Pacific Parliamentary Assembly on Population and Development
PADEMIA: Parliamentary Democracy in Europe
Pakistan Institute for Parliamentary Services
Pakistan Institute of Legislative Development and Transparency (PILDAT)
Pakistan Senate
Pan-African Parliament (PAP)
Paris Declaration
Parlement du Canada
Parlement of Rwanda
Parlement Panafricain
Parliament of Australia
Parliament of Botswana
Parliament of Burkina Faso
Parliament of Burundi
Parliament of Finland
Parliament of Lesotho
Parliament of Mongolia
Parliament of Montenegro
Parliament of Scotland
Parliament of Sierra Leone
Parliament of South Africa
Parliament of Sri Lanka
Parliament of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan
Parliament of the Republic of Namibia
Parliament of the Republic of South Africa
Parliament of Uganda
Parliament of Zimbabwe
Parliamentarians for Global Action
Parliamentary Affairs
Parliamentary Center
Parliamentary Centre - Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ ) GmbH
Parliamentary Confederation of the Americas
Parliamentary Forum on Small Arms and Light Weapons
Parliamentary Information and Research Service
Parliamentary Network of the World Bank (PNoWB)
Parliamentary Office for Science and Technology
PARTICIPA Corporation
Party Politics
Pearse, H.
PEN American Center
Pina, E. de
Plain Language Association International
Poder Ciudadano
Policy Forum
Political Quarterly
Political Studies
Power, G.
Praharaj, S.
Prayas Energy Group
Presses Universitaires de France
Princeton University
Pro Demos
Project on Ethnic Relations
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Puntland Development Research Centre – Academy for Peace and Development
Queen Elizabeth House
Queen's University - Belfast
Questão de Igualdade - Associação para a Inovação Social
Regional Center for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (RCREEE)
Renewable Energy Cooperation Programme (RECP)
Reproductive Health Matters
Republic of Liberia - Legislature
República Argentina
Research on Poverty and Alleviation
Revenue Commissioners
Revenue Watch Institue
Review of African Political Economy
Review of Law and Economics
Revue Chroniques de Droit Public (CDPK)
Revue du Barreau
Revue internationale de droit comparé
Revue Juridique Thémis
Revue Parlementaire Canadienne
Richard Youngs
Riigikogu (Estonian Parliament) Committee for Cultural Affairs
Rockefeller Foundation
Royal Commonwealth Society (RCS)
Saif, A.
Samara Canada
Sarith, O.
School of Public Affairs - American University
School of Public Policy, George Mason University
Scottish Climate Change Impacts Partnership (SCCIP)
Scottish Parliament
Secrétariat de la convention-cadre pour la protection des minorités nationales
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Secretariat of the Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (SPFII)
Seidman, A.
Seidman, R.
Selskapet for Industriell og Teknisk Forskning (SINTEF)
Senado Federal do Brasil
Senat du Rwanda
Senat Francais
Sentralt Ungdomsrad i Olso
Sharkey, K.
Shebra centre for strategic studies
Sherman, J
Singh, R.
Sithol, I.
Smilov, D. and Koralova, R.
Smith, J.
Social Science Research Counsil (SSRC)
Social Weather Stations
Sotharith, C.
South Africa
South Africa House of Assembly
South Africa Trust
South African Development Community Parliamentary Forum (SADC PF)
South Australian House of Assembly
South East European Politics
Southern African Development Community (SADC)
Southern African Regional Network for Equity in Health
SSRN Electronic Journal
Stavridis, S
Suffolk County Coucil
Sunlight Foundation
Sustainable Development Solutions Network
Swedish Government
Swedish Institute for European Policy Studies
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
TEPAV (Economic Policy Research Institute)
The African Capacity Building Foundation
The American Journal of Comparative Law
The Asia Foundation
The Climate Institute
The Council for the Development of Economic and Social Research in Africa (CODESRIA)
The Developing Economies
The Electronic Journal of Information Systems in Developing Countries
The Federal Trust
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
The Institute for the Theory and Practice of International Relations
The International Journal of Press/Politics
The Johns Hopkins University Press
The Journal of Politics
The Lancet Commissions
The Lebanese Centre for Policy Studies
The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova
The Round Table
The Treasury - Kaitohutohu Kaupapa Rawa
The Westminster Consortium
Third World Quarterly
Thomas Carothers
Transparency & Accountability Initiative
Transparency International (TI)
Transparency, Accountability & Participation (TAP) Network
Tribunal Administrativo República De Moçambique
Tribunal de Contas de São Tomé e Príncipe
Tshitereke, C.
Uganda Wildlife Society (UWS)
UK Law Commission
UK Office for Budget Responsibility
UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR)
UN Women
UN.Gift (Global Initiative to Fight Human Trafficking)
UNDP Vietnam
United Kingdom - Committee on Climate Change
United Nations (UN)
United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Climate Change Secretariat (UNFCCC)
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs
United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA)
United Nations Development Group (UNDG)
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
United Nations Development Programme - Programme on Governance in the Arab Region
United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA)
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Educational Organisation (UNESCO)
United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (UN Women)
United Nations Environment Programme
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
United Nations Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat)
United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR)
United Nations Millennium Campaign
United Nations Office for West Africa (UNOWA)
United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)
United Nations Regional Centre for Peace and Disarmament in Africa (UNREC)
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (UNRISD)
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
Universidade Estadual de Passos
Universite de Paris 1 Pantheon-Sorbonne
Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB)
University of Aarhus
University of Bologna
University of California Berkeley
University of Colorado
University of Leicester
University of North Carolina
University of Oxford
University of Pittsburgh
University of Pretoria
University of Sheffield
University of Tübingen
US House of Representatives
Utz, C.
van Gerven, W.
Venice Comission
Vlaams Parlement
Von Trapp, L.
VU University Amsterdam
Washington University in St. Louis
Wehner, J.
West Bengal Legislative Assembly
West European Politics
Western Cape Provincial Parliament
Westminster Foundation for Democracy (WFD)
Wilton Parks Conference
Wisions Initiative
WLSA Mocambique
WLSA Mocambique
Women's Coalition of Zimbabwe (WCoZ)
Women's Parliamentary Radio
Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs
World Bank
World Bank Group
World Bank Institute
World Bank Parliamentary Staff Training
World Business Council for Sustainable Development
World e-Parliament
World Economic Council
World Economic Forum
World Future Council
World Health Organi
World Health Organisation
World Meteorological Organization
World Politics
World Resources Institute
World Summit on the Information Society
Worldwide Alliance for Citizen Participation
Yale Information Society Project
Yemen Parliament Watch
Yemen Polling Center
Youth for Social Development
Youth Parliament UK
Zentrum fur Entwicklungsforschung - University of Bonn
Zogby International
Zubek, R.
- Tout -
Aarna, O.
Abdihamid Mao
Abdoul Aziz Mbodji
Abdoul Wahab Cissé
Abdoulaye Mar Dieye
Abdukadirov, S.
Abdurashid Solijonov
Abels, G
Abeysekere, N.
Abidin, W.
Abreu, J.
Achiron, M.
Acosta, A.
Adamek, V. von
Adebowale Olorunmola
Adejumobi, S.
Ágh, A.
Aguja, M.
Alexey Stukalo
Alhada, A.
Alionescu, C.
Allen, M.C.
Amundsen, I.
Anagnoson, J.T.
Anders B. Johnsson
Anderson, J.
Anderson, P.J.
Andersson, G.
Andrew Lavali
Andriy Meleshevych
Anga Timilsina
Angela Bester
Anindita K. Listya
Aning, K.
Apostolos Dalas
Arafeh, A.
Arakelian, A.
Arinanto, S.
Aseem Andrews
Asprey, M.
Azavedo, E.
Babacar Gueye
Bächtiger, A.
Bader, M.
Bailey, B.
Bakker, Peter
Balinski, M.
Ballington, J.
Ban Ki-moon
Banducci, S.
Baregu, M.
Barizah, N.
Barnes, A.
Barnes, T.
Barrow-Giles, C.
Bartholomew, A.
Baskin, M.
Bateman, J.
Bauer, A.
Baufume, B.
Baxter, G.
Beblavý, M.
Beetham, B.
Beetham, D.
Benda, S.
Benjamin, J.
Bennett, K.
Bennett, P.
Benoit, K.
Benomar, J.
Bensky, M.
Bentinck, M.
Berbeca, V.
Berry, W.
Bhargava, R.
Bhargava, V.
Bhatia, S.
Bikha, A.
Biran Gai
Bird, K.
Bird, N.
Bjuremalm, H.
Bloomfield, D.
Böckenförde, M.
Bonvin, B.
Borgeat, L.
Born, H.
Bornay-Bomassi, L.
Borner, J.
Borz, G.
Boucek, F.
Bouchet, N.
Boutillier, C.
Bove, Grégory
Brandt, M.
Brandtzaeg, P.
Bratosin, I.
Brazier, A.
Breth, E.
Brezet, F.
Brian Chang
Brown, F.
Bryan, S.
Buchsbaum, T.M.
Buckley, Robert
Buddlender, D.
Budlender, D.
Burke, E.
Byanyima, W.
Caddick, H
Caesar-Katsenga, M.
Calder, Jack
Campbell, M.
Campos, J.E.
Campos, N.
Caroline Hubbard
Carothers, T.
Carter, R.
Carvalho, E.
Carvalho, J.
Cavallar, Ludovica
Centre Parlementaire
Chambers, P.
Chang, E.
Charles Chauvel
Charlotte M. Westbrook
Charmaine Rodriguez
Chatre, B.
Chevalier, V.
Chin, C.
Chin, J.K.
Chiviya, E.
Chiwandamira, L.
Chris Dickson
Christopher Fomunyoh
Chungu, E.
Ciurea, C.
Clapinska, L.
Claudia Chwalisz
Clement, E.
Clements, Q.
Close, D.
Coghill, K.
Coleman, S.
Collier, P.
Cottrell, J.
Crawford, G.
Crawford, V.
Crawford, Victoria
Cross, J.-M.
Cutler, R.M.
Daguerre, E.
Daher, A.
Dai, X.
Daley, P.
Damayanti, D.
Daniel Brassard
Danny M. Leipziger
David E. Guinn
Davies, A.
Davies, J.
De Bané, P.
de Renzio, P.
De Vrieze, F.
Debaene, S.
Dell, G.
Della Porta, D.
Denardis, L.
Derbew, D.
Dessy R. Pramita
Deveaux, K.
Diallo, T.N.
Dimitrievska, D.
Dimitris Koryzis
Dimitris Spiliotopoulos
Dininio, Ph.
Djamal, F.
Dobell, P.
Dobell, P.C.
Dollar, D.
Domingo, P.
Dommett, K.
Donovan, T.
Dr. Dorina A. Bekoe
Draman, R.
Dreger, T.
Driton Marku
Dusan Lj Milenkovic
Dutta, N.
Dye, K.
El Mahdi, A.
El-Sawi, A.
Elena Griglio
Ellis, A.
Emil Atanasovski
Emilie Lemieux
Enemark, S.
Epstein, L.
Erik Solheim
Erinn Benedict
Fall, I. M.
Fatmawati, D.
Febrian, F.
Ferguson, R.
Fernandez, A.
Fernando Casal Bértoa and Juan Rodríguez Teruel
Fiott Daniel
Fish, S.
Fisman, R.
Fitch, B.
Fluri, P.
Fölscher, A.
Forstater, B.
Fotios Fitsilis
Franklin De Vrieze
Franklin Oduro
Freeman, M.
Frick, M.
Fubbs, J.
Fulton, E.
Galili, Y.
Galli, G.
Gallop, G.
Gatti, R.
Gay, O.
Geoff Dubrow
George Mikros
Georgs Andrejevs
Gérecz, E.K.
Gestão Participativa e Políticas Públicas
Geunis, L.
Ghai, J.C.
Ghai, Y.
Ghimici, D.
Gibson, R.
Gideon Rahat; Reuven Y. Hazan
Gladwell, O.
Glebovas, J.
Godinho Gomes, R.
Golden, M.
Goldschmidt, K.
Gomez, R.
Gönenç, L.
Gonzales, K.
Gopen, G.
Gordan Georgiev
Gounden, V.
Graeme Ramshaw
Granstedt, P.
Gratschew, M.
Greg Power
Griffin, N.
Griffith, J.C.
Gullickson, K
Gurin, M.
Gurstein, M.
Gutiérrez Romero, R.
Guzun, I.
Gyda Sindre
Habasch, R.
Hadjioannou, C.
Hahn, H.
Hajdu, C.
Hajredini, H.
Hammarberg, T.
Hammer, M.
Hampton, R.
Hanmer, S.
Harcourt, A.
Harris, I.
Hayes, C.
Hazama, Y.
Hechler, H.
Hedling, N.
Helgesen, V.
Hendrastiti, T.
Hennig, O.
Henninger, N.
Herrero, F.
Hiebert, J.
Hirpo, S.
Hiscock, D.
Hofmann, B.
Honourable Otinielu T Tausi
Hounkpe, M.
Hubbard, D.
Hubli, K.S.
Hudson, A.
Hunt, B.
Hussman, K.
Huyghebaert, T.
Huyse, L.
Hysom, T.
Ian Lienert
Ibrahim, M.
Ilonszki, G.
INTER PARES| Parliaments in Partnership Project
International IDEA
Ioniță, L.
Irianto, S.
Isaacs, A.
Ivan Radojevic
Jabbal, H.
Jackson, N.
Jackson, N.A.
Jacques Wandfluh
Jacques, J.
Jahan, R.
Javier González
Jaye, T.
Jelena Radoman
Jenny Rouse
Jepsen, H
Jessica Hickle
Joachim Wehner
Joannin, P
Jochen Luckscheiter
Joe Amoako Tuffour
Johnson, J.
Johnson, J.K.
Johnson, W.
Johnsson, A.B.
Johnston, N.
Johnston, P.
Jonathan Fox
Jonathan Murphy
Jones, K.
Joseph, J.
Judge, D.
Julia Canney
Julia Stewart
Juliana Restrepo Sanı´n
June, R.
Justice Africa
Kaiser, A.
Kalitowski, S.
Kanthawongs, P.
Karam, A.
Kararach, G.
Kariithi, N.K.
Karp, J.
Kasemets, A.
Katyal, N.
Kelley Frie
Kelly, L.
Kelly, N.
Kemp, B.
Ken Coghill
Keren Ben-Zeev
Kettani, D.
Keutgen J.
Kevin Casas
Khembo, B.
Kies, R.
Kievelitz, U.
Kim, P.
Kimenyi, M.
Kindra, G.S.
King, M.
Kingham, T.
Kinsella, N.
Koenraad Van Brabant
Kojo Asante
Kolstad, I.
Koole, H.R.
Koralova, R.
Kornberg, A.
Krafchik, W.
Krechmer, K.
Kristina Jovanova
Krook, M.L.
Ksenija Alorić
Ku, K.
Kundi, F.
Kuo, H.
Kurzon, D.
Kwami Mawunyo Lavon, M.
Laberge, M.
Lagelle, A
Lahav, D.
Lánczi, A.
Landman, T.
Langdon, S.
Laroza, S.
Lartey, E.
Laura Merrill
Laurette Andrée Yacé De Mel
Lavoie, J.
Le Roux, L.
Lee, S.
Leonhardt, M.
Leskinen, J-P.
Leston-Bandeira, C.
Lienert, I.
Liew, C.T.
Lijphart, Ar.
Lilleker, D.G.
Lindberg, S.
Linder, W.
Linek, L.
Lipcean, S.
Litra. L.
Liu, T.
Lockard, A.
Logan, C.
Loo, B.
Lopez, M.
Lorelei Kelly
Luciak, I.
Luders, M.
Luka Glušac
Lunn, S.
Lusoli, W.
Lutz, G.
Lynch, C.
Magolowondo, A.
MaGrath, J.
Mahama Kappiah
Maja Lazarova Krstevska
Makdisi, S.
Malini Mehra
Mandaville, A.
Mandelbaum, A.
Manikas, P.M.
Mankangoro Mahanga, M.
Mannai D.
Manning, N.
Marcella, R.
Maria Mousmouti
María Soledad Gattoni
Marija Ristevska
Mark Allen
Marktanner, M.
Marlow, A.
Martin, Ben
Martin, E.
Martin, L.
Marx, J.
Mataure, M.
Mati, M.
Matichescu, M.
Maurer, A.
May-Lan Ha
McAnthony, T.
McDonald, I.
McDougall, D.
McElroy, G.
McGee, S.
McLeod, I.
Meagher, P.
Mendez, F.
Merloe, P.
Merrifield, J.
Mersel, Y.
Meyer, M.
Michael, B.
Miers, D.
Millenium Institute
Miller, J.
Miller, L.
Miller, R.
Milliken, P.
Mirije Sulmati and Jasmina Todorovska Miteva
Mirkine-Guetzevitch, B
Mirsada Hallunaj
Mitchell O’Brien; Rick Stapenhurst; Niall Johnston
Modise, T.
Modjo, I.
Mona Lena Krook
Monjurul Kabir, A.H.
Montes, J.E..
Moore, N.
Morris Odhiambo
Moulaye, Z.
Moulin, B.
Mozzafar, S.
Mucke, U.
Muller, B.
Munn-Rivard, L.
Munoz, L.
Murphy, J.
Muthisse, G.
Mutukwa, K.
Mwenda, A.
Myburg, M.
Myttenaere, R.
Nahem, J.
Nakamura, R.
Nargiza Abdraimova
Narokobi, B.
Nathanson, B.
Navarro, S.
Navia, P.
Ndiaye, A.
Negrine, R.
Nem Singh, J.
Neuhold, C.
Nevenka Stankovic
Ngoma, N.
Nguenha, E.J.
Nic Cheeseman
Nickson, A.
Nijzink, L.
Nina Caspersen
Nixon, S.
Nodia, G.
Nolan, C.J.
Norberg, C.
Norris, P.
Norton, P.
Nowak, M.
Nyimasatta Sillah
Nylen, W. R.
Nzewi, O.
O'Brien, M.
O'Connor, D.
Obi, C.
Ochreiter, L.
Oh, P.
Okole, H.
Oliver, D.
Olivier Pierre-Louveaux
Olmedo, J. P.
Olson, D.
Omurbek Ibraev
Osman, A.
Osoian, I.
Owen, N.
O’Hare, P.
Palmirani, M.
Pammett, J.H.
Paolo de Renzio
Paquete, F.I.
Pedersen, H.
Peixoto, T.
Pelizzo, R.
Perlin, G.
Perotti, A.
Peters, D.
Peterson, S.
Pham Duy Nghia
Philipp Fluri
Phillips, M.
Pina, E. de
Pinto Almeida, J.L.
Pinto de Andrade, V.
Ponceau, H.
Ponet, D.
Power, G.
Pradhan, S.
Praharaj, S.
Pran, V.
Prasojo, E.
Preston, N.
Protais, M.J.
Protsyk, O.
Protsyk, O.
Protsyk, O.
Pruitt, B.
Puengpak, B.
Purnomo, M.
Purves, G.
Qendresa Sulejmani
Qobo, M.
Ram, V.
Rama Rao, T.P.
Ramkumar, V.
Rammal, Ali
Ramola Ramtohu
Rando, L.
Regan, A.
Regina Célia Di Ciommo
Reinikka, R.
Réka Várnagy
Reynolds, A.
RIck Stapenhurst
Rinaldi, T.
Ringer, M.
Rittberger, B.
Robertson, R.
Rodriguez, R.
Roggeband, C.
Rönnmo, B.
Rosenbaum, N.
Rosie Frost
Rosser, M.
Rouayrenc, V.
Roukaya Kasenally
Rumyana Kolarova; Daniel Smilov
Rupya, M.
Ryle, M.
Sahgal, V.
Saif, A.
Sait Matty Jaw
Sako, S.
Salman, R.
Sample, K.
Samuels, K.
Sanca, A.
Sanchez Navarro, A.
Santiso, C.
Sanu George, M.
Sarith, O.
Sartor, G.
Saskia Brechenmacher
Sawi, A.
Schaef, T.
Schmidt, M.
Schmitter, P.
Schmitz, G.
Scholl, E.L.
Scholten, J.N.
Schulz, K.
Searing, D.
Seaton, J.
Seidman, A.
Seidman, R.
Selbervik, H.
Sestanovich, S.
Settembri, P.
Shah, A.
Sharkey, K.
Shaun Martinez
Sherman, J.
Shulman, S.
Sičáková, E.
Sidhu, G.L.
Simard, C.
Simard, J.
Simon Tormey
Simutanyi, N.
Singh, R.
Sithol, I.
Slimane, S.
Smilov, D.
Smith, J.
Smith, R.
Smookler, J.
Sofi Halling
Solinov, A.
Somolekae, G.
Sotharith, C.
Sotiris Leventis
Souaré, I.K.
Speck, B.
Srem Sai, J.
St Martin, D.
Staddon, A.
Stahl, G
Stapenhurst, F.
Stapenhurst, R.
Steinack, K.
Stelios Stavridis
Stewart, D.
Stewart-Weeks, M.
Stilborn, J.
Stone, A.N.
Summers, R.
Surtees, C.
Susan Dodsworth
Susan Dodsworth and Nic Cheeseman
Svensson, J.
Symington, P.
Tam, E.
Tangri, R.
Teixeira, D. A.
Teshome, W.
The Alliance for Useful Evidence
The Lancet Commissions
The Parliamentary Network
Thiessen, E.
Thoa, N.
Thomas, P.
Thornton, L.L.
Thuronyi, V.
Timmers, P.
Toby Mendel
Tom Mboya
Tomas Quesada
Toornstra, D.
Tostensen, A.
Trechsel, A.
Tresch, A.
Tsekpo, A.
Ubisse, A.
Ulrich, M.
Umarji, M.
Utz, C.
Van Buggenhout, B.
van den Berg, C.
Van Den Bergh, L.
Van Der Hulst, M.
Van Gerven, W.
van Kuyck, R.
van Vliet
van Zyl, A.
Vanberg, G.
Vasileios Anastasiou
Vasilis Bayiokos
Ventura, D.
Vial, T.
Victoria Hasson
Vijayan, A
Virgint, Er.
Vitali, F.
Vivek Ramkumar
Vliegenthart, R.
Voland, C.
Von Trapp, L.
Vorwerk, S.
Wagner, W.
Wahiu, W.
Wallstrom, M.
Wang, V.
Ward, S.
Ware, R.
Wehner, J.
Weir, S.
Wellars, G.
Whitley, S.
Whitton, H.
Whitty, B.
Wigley, S.
Wiig, A.
Wilby, R. L.
William Wilson
Williams, A.
Williams, J.
Williamson, A.
Wood, D.M.
Woodley, W.
Wright, B.
Wroblewski, J.
Yamamoto, H.
Youngs, R.
Zaidun, M.
Zappala, G.
Zariski, R.
Zemanovičová, D.
Zsravko Veljanov
Zubek, R.
Zuleta, J.
Zvoma, A.M.