Oxfam India and CLRA present this handbook on the Protection of Women against Domestic Violence 2005 to the parliamentarians and other policy makers with detailed information on the Act with the hope that you take the lead to resolve impediments in the effective implementation of the Act for protection of women from violence and ensure their right to safety.
The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 (hereinafter the PWDVA) was brought into force on October 26, 2006. The enactment of this law marks an unprecedented move of providing civil relief in cases of violence. The PWDVA contains a comprehensive definition of the term “Domestic Violence”, provisions recognizing a woman’s right to reside in the shared household and court orders in the event of domestic violence (DV). In recognition of a woman’s inability to approach courts to initiate proceedings, due to her status of dependency, the law puts in place mechanisms that allow her access to court procedure and support services. The PWDVA mandates a multi-agency response for women facing violence in their homes. The effective functioning of the Act has been left to the discretion of the Central and State governments.