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Podcasts aim to assemble the most relevant audio podcasts for the parliamentary development community.

  • COVID-19 and the diagnosis for democracy
    Has the coronavirus, aside from having severe consequences for public health and the economy, also been detrimental for democracy? And if so, should we expect passing side effects or permanent damage?  ...
  • "I do not see Hong Kong people backing down."
    International IDEA’s Director for Asia and the Pacific Leena Rikkila Tamang spoke with lawyer Janet Pang about Hong Kong’s innovative protest methods in times of COVID-19 and about preparations for the September legislative council elections. This podcast was recorded on the eve of China’s legislature passing the security law to cover Hong Kong. GUESTS: ...
  • Lawmaking in times of the COVID-19
    International IDEA’s Director of Global Programs Laura Thornton talks to Justin Wein, chief of staff of U.S. Congressman David Price about ways in which their office has adapted in the COVID-19 environment. How have they conducted outreach, adjusted their communications strategy, managed casework, and participated in legislative activities and committee meetings?  GUESTS: ...