Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services
The First Report of the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services for the Fourth Session of the 40th Parliament. The Report covers the work of the Committee in regard to the Budget 2016 consultations, and was approved unanimously by the Committee.
This year’s public consultations on the provincial budget began on September 15, 2015 with the release of the “Budget 2016 Consultation” paper by the Minister of Finance. Over an approximately five-week period, the Select Standing Committee on Finance and Government Services (the Committee) held in-person public hearings in eight communities across the province. The Committee greatly appreciates and values the opportunity to travel in order to connect in person with individuals and organizations in communities in all regions of the province. To accommodate the fall sitting of the Legislative Assembly, which began on September 28, the schedule of community public hearings was adapted through the expanded use of teleconference and video conference facilities, including Skype, to connect with presenters in communities around B.C. The Committee hosted five of these virtual public hearings. The Committee also invited written, video, and audio submissions, as well as responses to an online survey. In total, 572 submissions were received by the October 15, 2015 deadline for public input. Copies of submissions made to the Committee during the budget consultation process are available upon request from the Parliamentary Committees Office.