The compilation you have in your hands is the unique result of a collaborative effort between Indigenous and non-Indigenous ac- tivists and scholars who voluntarily document and report on the
situation of Indigenous Peoples’ rights. We thank them and celebrate the bonds and sense of community that result from the close cooper- ation needed to make this one-of-a kind documentation tool available.
For 36 consecutive years IWGIA has published The Indigenous World in collaboration with this community of authors. This yearly overview serves to document and report on the developments Indigenous Peoples have experienced throughout 2021. The Indigenous World 2022 adds not only documentation, but also includes a special focus on the contribution and situation of Indigenous women and their rights around the world.
IWGIA publishes this volume with the intent that it is used as a doc- umentation tool and an inspiration to promote, protect and defend the rights of Indigenous Peoples, their struggles, worldviews and resilience.
It is our hope that Indigenous Peoples themselves, along with their organisations, find it useful in their advocacy work and in improving the human rights situation of Indigenous Peoples. It is also our wish that The Indigenous World is used as a main reference by a wider audience interested in Indigenous issues who, through these pages, can dive into local realities and further familiarise themselves with the current situa- tion of Indigenous Peoples’ rights worldwide.
We would like to stress that any omission of a specific country report should not be interpreted as no news is good news. In fact, sometimes, it is precisely the precarious human rights situation that makes it difficult to obtain contributions from specific countries. In other cases, we have simply not been able to get an author to cover a particular country. If you would like to contribute to The Indigenous World, please contact IWGIA.
The articles in this book are the views and visions of the authors, and IWGIA cannot be held responsible for the opinions stated herein. The respective country maps are, however, compiled by IWGIA and the content therein is the responsibility of IWGIA and not the authors. We wish to stress that some of the articles presented take their point of departure in ethnographic regions rather than strict state boundaries. This is in accordance with Indigenous Peoples’ worldview and cultural identification which, in many cases, cuts across state borders.