Building on the 2016 High-level Meeting of the Development Cooperation Forum (DCF), UNDESA is co-organizing a side event at the second High-level Meeting of the Global Partnership for Effective Development Cooperation (GPEDC), in collaboration with IPU and AWEPA, on the “Role of Parliamentarians and People in Strengthening Accountability in Development Cooperation”.
The side event will invite parliamentarians from different country contexts to share their experiences and innovative ideas on ways to strengthen their legislative and oversight role as well as their participation, together with the general public, in development cooperation efforts. For more information, including the Concept Note of the event, please click here.
UNDESA conducts the biennial DCF Accountability Survey to map and analyse the progress in monitoring, review and accountability of development cooperation. The Survey aims to prompt more evidence-based intergovernmental and multi-stakeholder policy dialogue; strengthen the normative and operational links of development cooperation interventions; and promote greater policy coherence towards the collective achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The DCF Accountability Study summarises the key findings and recommendations of the Fourth Survey, which was rolled out in 2015-2016, with results unpacked in this comprehensive study. Attached is the the full-length survey summary.