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Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • Advances and Challenges in Party Assistance
    Political parties remain the least trusted institution in every region of the world and are struggling to keep pace with citizen expectations and revolutionary changes in communication practices. Nevertheless, they remain fundamental to the healthy functioning of democratic systems. ...
  • Supporting Women's Leadership in Parliament
    NDI staff participants: Jacqueline Corcoran (Bangladesh), Lindsay Robinson (Sierra Leone), Natalie Hill (Ukraine), Mark De La Iglesia (Governance). Moderated by Susan Markham, director of Women's Political Participation. Description: ...
  • Gender Quotas: Lessons Learned from Kenya to Tunisia
    Quotas are an increasingly important policy tool used in more than 50 countries to ensure women's entry into high-level decision-making roles in political parties and government. Their proper implementation, however, depends on how the law is written, where it originates, and whether or not clear guidelines exist to achieve it. ...