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The blog section contains contributions from AGORA's partners, affiliated institutions and experts on parliamentary development, capturing the state of play in the field.

Increasing political inclusivity in Latin America

Full and meaningful inclusion is a core democratic value. This is why NDI is working in Latin America to increase the political participation of underrepresented populations including Afro-Descendants, women and youth. Here’s how: 

Inclusive Political Parties

A Sad State of Stagnation: Gender Equality around the World
A Sad State of Stagnation: Gender Equality around the World

The latest round of GSoD data shows steady improvement in gender equality over time, but progress has been slow.

Repressing democracy online in Asia, one law at a time
Repressing democracy online in Asia, one law at a time

Recent reports indicate that Myanmar’s military junta is about to pass a highly restrictive cybersecurity law, an earlier version of which already drew massive international and national criticism.  this law would effectively close any remaining online ci