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Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • Legislative Openness, Technology, and Democracy
    New technologies are changing how democracies around the world function. Such technologies present clear opportunities to make governance institutions more open and participatory, though they also expose governments and legislatures to a range of new challenges. ...
  • Strengthening Openness: Endorsing Standards, Developing Plans, and Collaborating with Civil Society
    During this session, panelists will discuss strategies for advancing parliamentary openness, including endorsement of the Declaration on Parliamentary Openness and development of parliamentary openness action plans. Panelists will also consider the role that collaboration with civil society plays in strengthening parliamentary openness. ...
  • Building International Standards on Parliamentary Ethics
    During this session, presenters will explore the issue of legislative ethics and discuss the importance of international standards in this area, with a particular focus on the Common Ethical Principles for Members of Parliament. ...