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Events and Lectures

Events and lectures offer the opportunity to draw from the well of expertise of scholars and practitioners who have given lectures, focusing on various aspects of parliamentary development.

  • GOPAC SDGs Discussion - Charles Chauvel (UNDP)
    GOPAC held a special joint-session about “Implementing Parliamentary Engagement on the SDGs” in Bali, Indonesia. The session was a part of the World Parliamentary Forum of Sustainable Development (PFSD) on 6-7 September 2017. Mr. ...
  • OGP 2013 Summit: Opening Parliaments Strengthening Democracy
    This session will, through discussion of practical experience, demonstrate how opening up parliamentary information -- transcripts, attendance records, voting records etc -- help to strengthen democracy, drive integrity and increase citizen engagement with the political process. ...
  • OGP 2013 Summit: Opening Up Aid Flows: Progress With Implementing a Common Information Standard
    This panel event will include a presentation of the newly-launched 2013 Aid Transparency Index, an annual ranking of donors on how transparent they are about the aid they give. Panellists will also talk about the International Aid Transparency Initiative (IATI), an internationally agreed standard for publishing aid information. ...