The workshop was held in Sao Tome, between 02 and 05 November, 2015, being co-organized and co-financed by IBP and by Pro PALOP-TL ISC, a project entirely funded by the European Union and directly managed by the UNDP. The agenda of the workshop was developed on the basis of records and recent experiences in the field of budgetary transparency, external control of finance and public accounts as well as the involvements and public scrutiny of public spending.
The workshop uses as reference basis part of the information collected from the formulation of missions of Annual Work Plans(AWP) held in the Pro frame PALOP-TL SAI, held between January and November 2014 in all PALOP and Timor Leste as well as the most recent data from Survey published by the IBP Open Budget in September 2015 for each of the countries which conducted the exercise.
The workshop baselines include relevant information exercises of Public Expenditure assessment and Financial Accountability (PEFA), indicators related to the credibility of the budget, budget scope, budget transparency, analysis of legislation, external control and auditing, public participation in budget processes in these countries and other relevant sources.