Events Events aims to publicise upcoming and past events relevant to parliamentary development. Next events 19 مارس Electoral reform: democratic principles and global practice Improving election quality is crucial amid democratic backslidi 30 يونيو International Day of Parliamentarism / World Parliament Day 2025 The International Day of Parliamentarism, or World Parliament Day, is celebrated annually on 30 June, established in Past events 11 مارس Parliaments and Beijing +30: Resisting backlash and shifting paradigms towards gender equality The Parliamentary Meeting, themed "Parliaments at Beijing +30: 10 مارس Social Norms change, Networking and Global Advocacy to Advance Women’s Political Participation and Decision Making IPU brings to you this side event is held alongside CSW69 (Marc 23 فبراير CPA Parliamentary Academy: Advanced Professional Development and Skills-building Residency Programme 19 فبراير Embedding deliberation in political processes – lessons from Ireland This 13 فبراير 2025 IPU Parliamentary Hearing at the United Nations Under the theme “Scaling up action for the Sustainable Development Goals: Finance, Institutions, and Politics,” and f 11 فبراير Deliberative integrity: Risks and responses in mini-public governance The Citizen Assembly of Burgerrat invites you to a seminar featuring insights from Lucy J. 10 فبراير High-level Seminar on the Universalisation of the Biological Weapons Convention in Africa. To promote awareness of the universa 06 فبراير Dynamic Facilitation Citizen Assembly of Burgerrat brings to you a three-day seminar, to learn how to successfully apply Dynamic Facilitat 03 فبراير Citizens’ assemblies with children and youth 22 يناير What AI may mean for public engagement with parliaments IPU is having a seminar which w 16 يناير Navigating freedom of expression, freedom of information, cancel culture and hate speech to uphold human rights and foster social cohesion The IPU, in partnership with the Office of the United Nations H 13 يناير Third World Summit of the Committees of the Future The Senate of Chile, in collabo 16 ديسمبر Parliamentary Track at the Internet Governance Forum 2024 13 ديسمبر PLS Clinic | Shaping stronger laws: Insights from Post-Legislative Scrutiny innovations in the Scottish Parliament 10 ديسمبر The Arms Trade Treaty at 10 - Parliamentary engagement for a world free from armed violence 09 ديسمبر Democracy Action Partnership 2024: Transforming the cost of politics for better representation WFD brings to you an annual event held by The Democracy Action 09 ديسمبر 12th Empowerment Series for Young Parliamentarians- Zero tolerance for violence against women in politics. 05 ديسمبر The Fourth Parliamentary Policy Dialogue, UNOCT 05 ديسمبر Building Trust, Building Peace - How can Parliamentarians bridge divides? 04 ديسمبر Making the Work of Parliaments Responsive to the Needs of Women and Men Caribbean Parliamentary Workshop Parliamentarians serve diverse populations, composed of individuals with unique needs and experiences based on their 03 ديسمبر LAUNCH OF THE IPU GUIDELINES FOR AI IN PARLIAMENTS Artificial intelligence (AI) presents significant opportunities for parliaments to enhance their operations, to becom 03 ديسمبر Transforming political parties from within: Gender audits and action plans Political parties are often referred to as the ‘gatekeepers’ of democracy, especially when it comes to women’s politi 27 نوفمبر INTER PARES Seminar Series on Youth Participation in Parliament 27 نوفمبر How can parliaments secure a peace dividend? - Allocating for peace The 20 نوفمبر WFD: Taking the political economy of borrowing seriously Westminster Foundation for Democracy is organizing this fourth and last session of the webinar series on public debt, 23 أكتوبر AGORA Parliamentary Development Community of Practice workshop: Measuring parliaments’ effectiveness within democracy The AGORA Parliamentary Development Community of Practice will hold a workshop on "Measuring Parliaments’ Effectivene 22 أكتوبر Public consultation on Parliamentary Monitoring Organisations: Partners in Parliamentary Strengthening A growing number of parliaments are working with civil society organizations to better inform and involve citizens, a 15 أكتوبر Principles of parliamentary public engagement Join IPEN for an informal workshop to explore good public engagement in parliaments and how to put p 10 أكتوبر Empowering Voices: From Gender Mainstreaming to Youth Inclusion in Parliaments Join us for an open workshop on gender-sensitive parliaments and youth participation 25 سبتمبر Webinar series: Transforming public debt management The world is facing a potential new debt crisis. 17 سبتمبر The Global State of Democracy 2024 Global Launch Event Amid an unprecedented super-cycle election year and a global trend of dissatisfaction with elections, the sixth editi 30 أغسطس Legislative Strategies to Strengthen Digital Identity Governance Digital identity has transformed interactions and transactions that were previously only feasible in person. 22 يوليو PLS Clinic - Climate check: Assessing green laws for real-world impact 27 يونيو Parliamentary Monitoring in Tough Times: Lessons Learned for Building Networks and Achieving Results Please join the National Democratic Institute (NDI) and Directorio Legislativo (DL) on Thursday, June 27 at 05 يونيو INTER PARES Summer School 2024: Register now! INTER PARES is thrilled to announce its 2024 Summer School. 19 أبريل Post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) clinic: Public consultation and participation The fourth clinic of the Post-Legislative Scrutiny (PLS) Community of Practice will focus on public consultation and 24 يناير Gender-Responsive Budgeting & the Role of Parliaments 08 ديسمبر Post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) clinic: The role of MPs and parliament staff in the PLS process The second WFD post-legislative scrutiny (PL 05 ديسمبر From Voting Booths to TikTok Activism: Understanding the Expanded Political Repertoire of Today’s Youth INTER PARES presents “From Voting Booths to TikTok Activism: Understanding the Expanded Political Repertoire 27 نوفمبر Transforming Parliaments: Digital transformation leadership & governance Digital transformation means applying new digital-based tools and technologies to parliamentary processes and culture 21 نوفمبر Launch of the Indicators for Democratic Parliaments Session 1: Tuesday, 21 November 2023, 10:00–11:30 CET (interpretation in English, French and Arabic) 15 نوفمبر Brussels Launch Event of the Global State of Democracy 2023 Report With Hadja Lahbib, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belgium; Adam Bodnar, Elected Sen 15 نوفمبر INTER PARES Youth Participation Workshop: Register now! INTER PARES is pleased to announce its first online Youth Participation Workshop, taking place on Wednesday 1 04 أكتوبر INTER PARES Launch Event Youth Participation: Pathways for Parliaments Across the world, young people are under-represented, both as elected representatives in parliaments and in the polic 26 سبتمبر Parliamentary Caucus on Protecting Human Rights Defenders in Environmental Matters 25 سبتمبر Second World Summit of the Committees of the Future The Parliament of Uruguay, in collaboration with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), will host the Second World Summ 22 سبتمبر PLS Clinic - Post-Legislative Scrutiny with the Community of Practice Post-legislative scrutiny (PLS) is the practice of monitoring the implementation and evaluating the impact of laws. 20 سبتمبر Mapping and connecting parliamentary research services around the world 18 سبتمبر Transforming Parliaments: Digital services for members of parliament Information services for parliamentarians have come a long way during the past decade, from web-based intranets provi 15 سبتمبر Ninth Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians The annual IPU Global Conference of Young Parliamentarians is a unique platform for young Members of Parliament to me 08 سبتمبر Sustaining the Momentum for Parliamentary Openness in OGP Reform The OGP process often faces setbacks due to changes in the composition of stakeholders involved in the process. 06 سبتمبر Teacher training by parliaments: case studies from Brazil and the UK This Public Engagement Hub seminar, jointly organised by the IPU and IPEN, will focus on teacher training by parliame 06 سبتمبر The 8th OGP Global Summit The Estonian Government will host the 2023 OGP Global Summit on September 6-7 in Tallinn, Estonia. 06 سبتمبر Teacher training by parliaments: case studies from Brazil and the UK 05 سبتمبر Open Parliament Day 2023 10 أغسطس Regional seminar on climate action and sustainable development for parliaments of Latin America and the Caribbean The IPU and the parliament of Costa Rica will host a seminar for Latin American and Caribbean parliaments. 18 يوليو Parliamentary Forum at the UN High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development 2023 2023 marks the mid-point in the fifteen-year run toward the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted in 2015 wit 03 يوليو 2023 Advanced Course on Innovations in Post-Legislative Scrutiny 27 يونيو Human security and parliaments This online webinar, co-hosted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and the Human Security For All campaign (HS4A), 27 يونيو Citizens’ Assemblies as a method to engage citizens with policy making: Case studies from Australia and Germany This Public Engagement Hub seminar, jointly organised by IPU and IPEN, will focus on deliberative democracy methods t 19 يونيو Enhancing the role of parliaments in accelerating the achievement of the SDGs: Taking forward the UNGA resolution Jointly organized by the IPU, the UNECE and UNESCAP, the event will follow up on the recently adopted UNGA resolution 19 يونيو Transforming Parliaments: Legislative work driven by data This webinar looks at how data and information services can best be used to support all actors in the legislative pro 14 يونيو INTER PARES Summer School 2023: registration Is open Following a successful first edition in 2022, INTER PARES is thrilled to open 22 مايو Processing high volumes of inputs from citizen engagement in parliamentary business: Case study from Brazil As parliaments develop more channels for citizens to submit their views, many are then faced with the challenge of ha 27 أبريل International IDEA's Democracy Tracker Showcase International IDEA’s Democrac 18 أبريل Processing inputs from citizen engagement for committee work: Case studies from New Zealand and Scotland As parliaments develop more channels for citizens to submit their views, many are then faced with the challenge of ha 29 مارس Summit for Democracy II – Legislative Track The House Democracy Partnership (HDP), a bipartisan Commission of the U.S. 28 مارس Engaging with future generations This IPU/IPEN Public Engagement Hub seminar wi 13 مارس IParl Spring Academy 2023 The Institute for Parliamentary Research (IParl) will hold its first Berlin Spring Academy on Parlia 08 مارس Achieving equality in decision-making by 2030: What will it take? The side event will aim to inform the new General Recommendation of the Committee on the Elimination of Discriminatio 07 مارس The role of parliaments in advancing gender equality through technology The joint IPU – UN Women Parliamentary Meeting “The role of parliaments in advancing gender equality through 01 مارس Mobilizing parliaments to address Climate Migration This virtual learning lab, taking place within the framework of the VIII Regional Platform for Disaster Risk Reductio 27 فبراير European Parliamentary Week 2023 The European Parliament and the Swedish Riksdag are pleased to invite you to the Euro 23 فبراير Summit for Democracy Year of Action Legislative Showcase The House Democracy Partnership (HDP), in partnership with the International Republican Institute (IRI) and 21 فبراير Public engagement: New initiatives from New Zealand Parliament's Education Team This seminar will explore how the New Zealand Parliament’s Education Team provides a wide range of education services 16 فبراير Launch of Spoiler Alert: A Framework for Analyzing the Remnants of Toppled Kleptocracies and the Forces of Reform 13 فبراير Book Launch for Maya Kornberg's Inside Congressional Committees Inside Congressional Committees: Function and Dysfunction in the Legislative Process (Columbia University Pr 06 فبراير The United Nations Committee on the Rights of the Child and the Inter-Parliamentary Union: Working together to mobilize parliaments in support of child rights This meeting will be held in hybrid format on Monday, 6 February 2023, from 13:15 to 14:45 (Geneva time). 25 يناير Will hybrid working become the “new normal” for parliaments? The Covid-19 pandemic saw a period of “enforced innovation” in parliamentary working methods. 23 يناير RCLS Online Seminar: On the Outskirts of Parliament - the Delegation for Women’s Rights On the Outskirts of Parliament: the Delegation for Women’s Rights is a PhD thesis analysing law-making in th 15 ديسمبر Fourth Expert Roundtable on the Common Principles for Support to Parliaments: Agile parliaments for the future In view of the Common Principles ten-year anniversary in 2024, the Roundtable will be on the theme of Agile parliamen 09 ديسمبر Women move mountains in adapting to climate change Following the success of the International Mountain Day webinars in 2020 and 2021, the Inter-Parliamentary Union and 07 ديسمبر Report launch: Women’s political leadership in the ASEAN region The relationship between women and politics 06 ديسمبر Creating a safe cyberspace for democracy The Inter-Parliamentary Union, in collaboration with the United Nations Ad Hoc Committee to Elaborate a Comprehensive 01 ديسمبر Women Leadership, Gender Perspective and Gender Approaches in Disarmament Action The Inter-Parliamentary Union, Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament (PNND), the Youth Fusio 30 نوفمبر The Global State of Democracy 2022 Global Launch Event At the end of 2022, the world finds itself trapped beneath the weight of a multitude of old and new problems. 29 نوفمبر Parliamentarians standing up to violence against women in politics As part of the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-based Violence (a global campaign held in all countries of the worl 23 نوفمبر Report launch: Legislative leadership on environmental issues How can parliaments protect the environment? 07 نوفمبر GLOBE COP27 Legislators Summit REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN for the hybrid 28 أكتوبر Invitation to Tender - Maldives Online Course Development WFD Maldives is looking for a vendor to design and conduct an online course on parliamentary oversight and legislativ 20 أكتوبر Bridging the divide: Legislative lessons for policy making in polarized contexts On October 20, all members of OPeN will co-host this year’s GLOW virtual plenary, “ 11 أكتوبر 2022 OGP Europe Regional Meeting The OGP Europe Regional Meeting will take place in Rome, Italy on October 11-12, hosted by the Government of Italy. 10 أكتوبر Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the EU (IPC SECG) The Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Stability, Economic Coordination and Governance in the European Union (IPC- 20 سبتمبر Effective Human Rights Engagement for Parliamentary Bodies INTER PARES is organising the “Effective Human Rights Engagement for Parliamentary Bodies” 20 سبتمبر Achievements, Challenges, and Trends in Parliamentary Monitoring 15 سبتمبر Working Meeting on Digital Transformation, hosted by the ParlAmericas Parliamentary Staff Network on Open Parliament & Bússola Tech The purpose of this working meeting is to share lessons learned and experiences regarding parliamentary modernization 15 سبتمبر 'A Space for Change: Partner Perspectives on an Effective Multilateral System' | Launch Event during UNGA The need for an effective multilateral system has never been more important to address the nature and scale of today’ 15 سبتمبر #DEMOCRACYDRINKS: CONNECT WITH DEMOCRACY ADVOCATES IN THE HAGUE Join us on 15 September, the International Day of Democracy, for our third edition of #DemocracyDrinks, bringing toge 15 سبتمبر Global Democracy Coalition: International Democracy Day Conference In celebration of International Democracy Day 2022, the Global Dem 14 سبتمبر International Democracy Day Brussels 2022 The European Endowment for Democracy (EED)